It all started out pretty inosent, my friend sara sent me a link to her blog. I read it, was pretty intriqued by it, but that was about it.
THEN, my frined hannah turned me on to Whitney's (her friend) blog, and from there it has opened an ADDICTION to me!
So now I have been blogging for a couple of months and been stalking just about as long. I mean I can not help it! Some are just crazy! The things they do and the stuff they say about themselves is unbelievable, others are wholesome, and my favorite ones are the crafty ones!
newest addictions:

Megity's handmade @
Blue Cricket Design @
Megity's has already given me some creative ideas... i think i should now paint my front door. It is currently white and boring..I think a fresh coat of paint would spice some stuff up!
I did find this one the handy world wide web....
1. blog-stalk: to secretly read someone's blog with the express purpose of learning more about them without their knowledge; to stalk via blog
I can't help it though, these people are fabulous.. none have really crazy lives or live in remote places, but i have become enralled in their lives! I feel like i know the people, like i will see one of my stalking victims in wal-mart one day and tell her how much i loved her "fall give away" and she will run screaming out of the produce section!
Now i TOTALLY say this in jest..i am not trying to find out where these people live or show up at soccer games, but i love learning about their lives and feel compelled to check on them daily. It is like the newage of reality TV or soap operas.. i have to tune in daily to make sure not to miss anything!