Friday, September 3, 2010

Sew SOMETHING..HAWG style...

Last night was sewing class.. We made tote bags. This was a great project even for "beginners"

AJ did good she printed out the instructions and had them ready for everyone. She has such a talent for putting fabrics together..

ALWAYS bring your book.. incase we break something falls apart!



They all turned out really cute. They would be a great gift for bridesmaids. I was even thinking about getting them embroidered.. Cute huh?

  My next obsession if a t shirt dress. I want to make one so bad. I have told anyone and eveyone that will listen. I think I have told Alexis about 5 or 6 times.

Tonight is the Ragweed concert!!! Tomorrow is HOG football!! Gonna be a good weekend kids!!!


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