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Thursday's post!!!
Last night I very seriously considered what would happen to me if I murdered my husband.
He went golf with some friends and I guess he decided to demo one of the drivers they have. The Taylor Made r9 8.5 degree to be exact... Price tag on this bad boy a mere 435 bucks plus tax. So, hubs is playing along doing great and all the sudden it goes flying out of his hands. I am not sure exactly how this happens, but the rumor is that it did.
I am at home engrossed in the last episode of Pretty Little Liars and I hear sweets hubs ring tone. I think that it is him calling to tell me that he is on his way home so that I can start dinner. Nope.. He is calling to tell me that the sky is falling chicken little.
Hubs-"Here is the deal babe, (dramatic pause here) I borrowed the demo driver and I was crushing the ball. I mean crushing it, then all the sudden I get to 14 and it goes flying out of my hands. So it is about 30-35 foot up in a tree."
Hubs- "hello?" pause...""Babe, we may have to buy this if I can't get it out of the tree."
Me- " I have nothing constructive to say to you right now.I am hanging up"
Dial tone..
I then text jenni from the block to let her know I may not be at work tomorrow due to the fact that I will be in jail for attacking my husband! I then text Marcus (HSC) to tell him that I will need him to feed callaway while I am away and kelly is recuperating..
I then proceed to eat one skinny cow and 2 mini Hershey bars (ok fine.. they were also completely covered in peanut butter-the organic white chocolate peanut butter too)
Don't judge me!
2 hours later, He comes home happy as can be and no club. He tells me this crazy story about how they had to go get a ladder from maintenance and pair it with the ball retriever and some pvc pipe and knock it out of the tree. thank goodness he came how without the driver.. I am not tough enough for jail..
Other than that eventful Sunday we had a pretty low key weekend.
Friday I had Pink in the Park at Arvest ball park. It was a lot of fun, hot, but fun. Thankfully, I didn't have to throw out the first pitch, Stephana did.
After the game we were supposed to hang out with HSC & Alexis, but I was super tired and grouchy so we moved it to Saturday.
Saturday am Kelly & I met Alexis & HSC and went to the farmers market. Got some tomatoes and onions and Alexis got a crepe, but other than that we just walked around. After HSC is working with the developer of the Liberty Bell subdivision and we got to look in some of the new houses over there. I really liked them. One has a really open floor plan that I fell in love with.
After that we had to go to the golf store because kelly wants a new driver.. humm.. do we think the Sunday story was a coincidence?
We made stuffed peppers for dinner. I took a picture because I was so proud of them! We cooked the pepper for about 20 min to get is soft, while that was cooking we sautéed 1lb of ground turkey meat, 1 pkg of Italian seasoning, 1 diced tomato, garlic clove, 1/2 onion and some cooked brown rice.
We put that in the peppers and cooked for 20 min. Very good and very healthy.
When we were done with dinner we walked over the HSC & Alexis' house and sat outside and talked until late. Alexis made this amazing dessert. She hollowed out apples and baked them with cinnamon. She served it with fat free yogurt. I don't like cooked fruit, but she didn't make the apple all soggy so it was pretty good. Kelly loved it.
Sunday we went to early church and my mom met us there. She wasn't able to stay for class, but Larry taught again and he is SUCH A GOOD TEACHER. He is very knowledgeable about the Bible and really puts things in to perspective for you. Yesterday we talked about forgiveness.
I know it is hard to believe, but my feelings get hurt pretty easy. I try not to let things bother me, but they do. Normally I don't say anything, but I will hold it in and I will be upset about things for a while with out saying anything. I am so non- confrontational that I never tell anyone when they have hurt me, which after listening Sunday I may need to work on that. He also talked about forgiveness and how if we have offended someone we need to make it right.
Just a few highlights..
Also if you could keep me in your prayers I would appreciate it. I have some things going on and I could use all the prayers I can get.
other to keep in mind:
Kate Garner- Sara pp's SIL was in a bad car wreak
The Queen's- Kyle is looking for a job
Jenni from the block-for baby Bradley that will be here nov 2nd.
Alexis -just found out she is preggo